CloudCannon Documentation

Available with CloudCannon hosting.

You can create your own custom branded pages for authentication. Each page is different, but the process is the same:

  1. Create the relevant file in the root folder of your site
  2. Add the HTML for the page

CloudCannon provides default, white-labelled pages for authentication.

CloudCannon injects classes into the HTML to indicate the result of the action. They are injected into {{messageClasses}}. Use these classes to provide error handling and success notifications in your forms.

For Jekyll-generated pages, use raw tags so Jekyll outputs it for CloudCannon to process later: {% raw %}{{messageClasses}}{% endraw %}.

The customisable pages are listed below, with parameters and working examples.

Password Login

Filename login.html
Form action  
Form inputs username, password
Message classes has-incorrect-login

CloudCannon requires a hidden username input here for internal reasons. The value is ignored.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Log in</title>
      .incorrect-login-message {
        display: none;

      .has-incorrect-login .incorrect-login-message {
        display: block;
    <h1>Log in</h1>

    <form action="" method="post" class="{{messageClasses}}">
      <div class="incorrect-login-message">
        Incorrect password.

      <label for="password">Password</label>
      <input id="password" type="password" name="password" autofocus>

      <input type="hidden" name="username" value="user">

      <input type="submit" value="Log in">

User Account Login

Filename login.html
Form action  
Form inputs email, password
Message classes has-incorrect-login
<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Log in</title>
      .incorrect-login-message {
        display: none;

      .has-incorrect-login .incorrect-login-message {
        display: block;
    <h1>Log in</h1>

    <form action="" method="post" class="{{messageClasses}}">
      <div class="incorrect-login-message">
        Incorrect email address or password.

      <label for="email">Email Address</label>
      <input id="email" type="email" name="email" autofocus>

      <label for="password">Password</label>
      <input id="password" type="password" name="password">

      <input type="submit" value="Log in">

    <a href="/reset-password">Forgot your password?</a>

Set Password

Filename set-password.html
Form action /set-password
Form inputs password, password-confirm, token
Message classes has-password-mismatch, has-invalid-link, has-token-expired, has-success
<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Set Password</title>
      .success-message {
        display: none;

      .has-password-mismatch .password-mismatch-message,
      .has-invalid-link .invalid-link-message,
      .has-token-expired .token-expired-message,
      .has-success .success-message {
        display: block;

      .has-success label,
      .has-success input {
        display: none;
  <body class="{{messageClasses}}">
    <h1>Set Password</h1>
    <form action="/set-password" method="post">
      <div class="password-mismatch-message">
        Password did not match confirmation.
      <div class="invalid-link-message">
        Your reset link is no longer valid.
        <a href="/reset-password">Reset your password</a> to get another.
      <div class="token-expired-message">
        Your reset link has expired.
        <a href="/reset-password">Reset your password</a> to get another.
      <div class="success-message">
        Successfully set your password.

      <label for="password">Password</label>
      <input id="password" type="password" name="password" autofocus>

      <label for="password-confirm">Confirm Password</label>
      <input id="password-confirm" type="password" name="password-confirm">

      <input type="hidden" name="token" value="{{token}}">

      <input type="submit" value="Set Password">

Reset Password

Filename reset-password.html
Form action /reset-password
Form inputs email
Message classes has-no-email, has-success
<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Reset Password</title>
      .success-message {
        display: none;

      .has-success .success-message,
      .has-no-email .no-email-message {
        display: block;
    <h1>Reset Password</h1>

    <form action="/reset-password" method="post" class="{{messageClasses}}">
      <div class="no-email-message">
        You must provide an email address.
      <div class="success-message">
        We've sent you an email with instructions to reset your password.

      <label for="email">Email Address</label>
      <input id="email" type="email" name="email" autofocus>

      <input type="submit" value="Reset Password">